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Vestas Basic Turbine Operation (BTO)

The purpose of the BTO training is to familiarize participants with the operation of the VESTAS wind turbine control panel.


Szkolenie testowe

Uczestnicy szkolenia mogą wziąć odpowiedzialność za udzielanie bezpiecznej, efektywnej i natychmiastowej zaawansowanej pierwszej pomocy w przypadku wystąpienia nagłego wypadku w środowisku turbin wiatrowych (WTG). Uczestnicy szkolenia mogą udzielać pomocy samodzielnie w odległych rejonach z użyciem zaawansowanego sprzętu ratowniczego i przy wsparciu telekonsultacji medycznej.

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Kurs na potrzeby testu GWO FA

Celem szkolenia jest nauczenie uczestników udzielania bezpiecznej i skutecznej pierwszej pomocy w obszarze turbin wiatrowych zgodnie z wytycznymi GWO First Aid poprzez ćwiczenia teoretyczne i praktyczne.

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Lockout Level 2

The aim of this training is to give the participants knowledge how to execute and manage Lockouts and transfer responsibility to another Person in Charge of the Lockout. As a Person in Charge of the Lockout, the participant will be aware of the importance of a proper Lockout and know the responsibilities that are passed on to her/him.

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Electrical Safety for Qualified Electrical Person

The aim of this course is to prepare participants to recognize and avoid the hazards involved with electrical work in accordance with the VESTAS standard for Electrical Safety.

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Installation EnVentus add-on course

The aim of this training is to give the participants the practical and theoretical information to plan and perform all Installation tasks according to the Installation Manual. This course covers the following wind turbine types: V150/V162-6.0MW

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The aim of this training is to give the participants the practical and theoretical information to plan and perform all Installation tasks according to the Installation manual which includes preparation and installation of various components, cable work and documentation related to safety and installation.

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Installation EnVentus

The aim of this training is to give the participants the practical and theoretical information to plan and perform all Installation tasks according to the Installation Manual. This course covers the following wind turbine types: V150/V162